The Counselling Collective

What We Do

The Counselling Collective

At The Counselling Collective, we support adults, seniors, adolescents, children, couples, and families. Many of our practitioners are registered service providers for the following: DND, First Nation’s Health, Veterans Affairs Canada, Blue Cross, Victims Assistance, and more. (Please inquire about your particular insurer.)

Counselling is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. The goal of counselling is to “feel better” about you, your present situation, your future, and possibly, your past. Regardless of the events that have transpired in your life; you deserve to feel strong and confident in your decisions about “what comes next.”

A solution focused approach to psychotherapy, enables you to process events in your life, develop new understanding about the events, and to determine your best “next steps,” so that you may find peace.

The Counselling Collective team believes in meeting you where you are and walking with you along your path, offering skill and experience stretching over 25 years each.

Benefits of Counselling

  • relieve stress
  • process difficult issues
  • gain new understanding
  • make your best choices
  • find meaning and happiness

Regardless if you are single or with a partner, “attachment theory” and “emotionally focused therapy  EFT” help provide clarity, promote heartfelt communication and understanding, required in healthy relationships.



We all strive for balance in our lives. Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) plus other modalities help promote calmness,reduce anxiety and help your find peace.

Trauma Recovery

Trauma can be attributed to childhood issues; abandonment, abuse, neglect or loss. It can also arise in adulthood; from accidents, assaults, overwhelming issues in the workplace and disasters. Trauma can also happen vicariously in cases of witnessing violence. 

Due to extensive experience in Emergency Psychiatry and Trauma Recovery: 

Cheryl has been highly recommended by health care professionals, military personnel, and First Nations health; helping children, adults, Canadian Forces members and First Responders, with PTSD, and complex family issues.  

Jill has vast experience and has worked extensively with families children and youth in complex cases, as well as with direct service providers (Nurses, Social Workers, Doctors, Midwives and other medical professionals) to promote health and to create safety within themselves. She has a deep interest in Self-Preservation and Compassion Resilience.

There can be peace.

Peace – It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

The Counselling Collective


We support people with the following issues:


Parenting support

Relationship issues

Family of Origin Issues

Substance use/abuse
Blended Family issues
Intergenerational Trauma

Healthy separation & divorce

Grief, Loss & Life Transitions

Adult Children of Alcoholics

Counselling Guidelines

Right to refuse:  You have the right to refuse specific counselling interventions, which we will discuss before they are used.  You have the right to withdraw your consent to continue our counselling work together at any time.

Substance use: We respectfully request that you are sober and mindfully present during our time together. Outside referrals are sometimes requested or needed; we will discuss the pros and cons of this referral together and follow up as is decided.

Ending: Endings happen in different ways: we agree the work is as complete as possible, one of us thinks the work is complete as possible, funding is discontinued, or a break is needed in the counselling.  Regardless of how the decision to end is achieved, you are always welcome to come back at a later time.

Complaints: Should you have a concern with our practice, we would prefer that you find a way to discuss this directly with us.  If this is not possible, Cheryl and Jill are registered with the BC College of Social Work and Jill is also registered with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors.  You are able to speak with either or both bodies should you want to make a complaint about our practice.

Social Media: We cannot be friends on social media. We respect your privacy and honour our
professional relationship with you.

Every child matters

Jill Davoren & Cheryl Turner
The Directors of The Counselling Collective

Jill Davoren & Cheryl Turner
The Directors of The Counselling Collective

We provide support and assist with health care system navigation for family members:
When someone in your family suffers from a serious mental health issue.
When someone in your family suffers from addictions.
If someone in your family has special needs; including children.

Jill Davoren & Cheryl Turner
The Directors of The Counselling Collective

It is a journey. No one is ahead of you or behind you. You are not more advanced or less enlightened. You are exactly where you need to be. It’s not a contest…. It’s life. We are all teachers and we are all students.

– Kris Carter

Cheryl Turner